Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The moment we've all been waiting for

The Browns beat the Steelers. Could this week get any better? Yes, as a matter of fact, it certainly does! Today I got the call I've been waiting on for what seems like forever. As of 1:10pm, I am the newest, APPROVED living kidney donor at Mayo!!! Yes, that's right...I'm APPROVED!!! 

Oh, and they want one more blood test, haha! Apparently the last blood test I did was just to confirm my blood type, and not to enter me into the matching system as I was told. So, Thursday I go in to have that done so they can enter me into the system and find my perfect match! Today's news was so great that I'm not even upset about more blood work. 

Words can not describe how excited I am! I thought for sure I would cry like a baby when I got the call, but so far it's just been nonstop smiles. This next chapter in my life is beginning, and I can't wait to see where it leads!

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